Keep Your Workplace Protected with Temperature Scanners

March 10th, 2021 by admin

A women being scanned by a temperature scanner tablet

Businesses everywhere continue to re-open as things slowly begin to return to normal. However, that does not mean the danger has gone away completely. There is still a risk of someone coming in and infecting your workplace, leading to you having to be shut down for at least two weeks while having every one of your employees tested. That is why it is crucial to keep your workplace protected with temperature scanners.

When used correctly, the thermal imaging temperature scanners can accurately measure someone's surface skin temperature from a safe distance. They also can measure surface skin temperature faster than other options such as forehead or oral (mouth) thermometers, which require closer proximity for evaluation. Temperature scanners include a host of additional features such as face mask detection options and can log employee's temperatures.

Now that your business has been allowed to re-open, it's imperative you keep it open and there's no better way to do that than with temperature scanners. Contact Technolink today and get started on protecting your workplace with a one week free Demo.

Posted in: Products, Services

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